Clary sage, known for its analgesic properties, eases muscle tension and menstrual cramp pain. Lavender essential oil calms, promoting tranquility and alleviating menstruation-related stress. Rose geranium oil balances hormones, regulates cycles, and reduces cramp severity, uplifting mood. Sweet marjoram oil reduces abdominal inflammation and swelling, easing menstrual cramp discomfort. These oils collectively relieve menstrual cramps, offering gentle, natural relief and promoting relaxation.
Usage: Apply the MOON blend under the nose or to palms, take 3 deep breaths. Massage onto the lower abdomen with warm palms as needed throughout the day.
Fragrance: The MOON blend features a soothing herbal aroma with delicate floral undertones, uplifting the senses and promoting relaxation. As the scent settles, sweet marjorams warmth emerges, adding depth and complexity to create a serene atmosphere.
使用方法:1. 鼻の下または手のひらにMOONを塗り、3回深呼吸します。 2. 下腹部に塗り、温かい手のひらで優しくマッサージします。 必要に応じて1日数回使用します。
香り:MOON は、穏やかなハーブの香りと繊細な花のアンダートーンが絡み合い、感覚を高め、リラックスを促します。香りが落ち着くにつれて、甘いマジョラムの温かさが徐々に現れ、全体の香りに深みと複雑さを加え、静かで穏やかな雰囲気を作り出します。
Essential oil: Clary sage, lavender, geranium, sweet marjoram.
Organic vegetable oil (base oil): sunflower oil, safflower oil, macadamia oil.
Clary sage, known for its analgesic properties, eases muscle tension and menstrual cramp pain. Lavender essential oil calms, promoting tranquility and alleviating menstruation-related stress. Rose geranium oil balances hormones, regulates cycles, and reduces cramp severity, uplifting mood. Sweet marjoram oil reduces abdominal inflammation and swelling, easing menstrual cramp discomfort. These oils collectively relieve menstrual cramps, offering gentle, natural relief and promoting relaxation.
Usage: Apply the MOON blend under the nose or to palms, take 3 deep breaths. Massage onto the lower abdomen with warm palms as needed throughout the day.
Fragrance: The MOON blend features a soothing herbal aroma with delicate floral undertones, uplifting the senses and promoting relaxation. As the scent settles, sweet marjorams warmth emerges, adding depth and complexity to create a serene atmosphere.
快樂鼠尾草以其天然的鎮痛特性而聞名,有助於緩解肌肉緊張並減輕與月經痙攣相關的疼痛。薰衣草精油具有鎮定和放鬆的功能,促進平靜感,緩解經期常見的壓力和焦慮。玫瑰天竺葵精油以其平衡荷爾蒙的效果而聞名,可以幫助調節月經周期並減輕痙攣的嚴重程度。它還可以提振情緒並減輕易怒和情緒波動。甜馬鬱蘭精油具有抗炎特性,可以有效減輕腹部區域的炎症和腫脹,緩解月經痙攣帶來的不適感。 這些精油共同協作,緩解月經痙攣,提供自然溫和的緩解與放鬆。
使用方法:1. 先將MOON涂抹在鼻下或是掌心,深呼吸3次。 2. 再將MOON塗抹在下腹部,用溫暖的掌心按摩。 每天可使用數次。
MOON 特調油以舒緩的草本香氣開場,夾雜著精緻的花香底調,提升感官,促進放鬆。隨著香氣的沉澱,甜馬鬱蘭的溫暖逐漸顯現,為整體香氣增添了深度和複雜性,打造了一種寧靜和平和的氛圍。